Call for YWEEP Projects_Led by Women


Within the framework of the “Youth and Women Employment and Empowerment Project,” the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is launching a call for proposals for the pre-selection of 20 SMEs, Startups, and Associations led by women and oriented towards exportation, to improve access to the AfCFTA through innovative solutions, particularly digital solutions.

The Youth and Women Employment and Empowerment Project is UNDP’s contribution to reducing youth and women’s unemployment and empowering them. Specifically, it aims to: (i) provide equal access to quality training and guidance for young men and women; (ii) ensure and promote equal access to entrepreneurship coaching for young men and women; (iii) promote equal access to information on job market opportunities for young men and women; and (iv) accelerate the empowerment of youth and women through training and the transfer of vital entrepreneurship skills.

This project has two major outcomes:

Outcome 1: Technical and operational capacities are provided to formalized SMEs, startups, and cooperatives led by young people and women to develop inclusive value chains in the agro-industry and the green economy. With this outcome, Cameroonian youth and women will have solutions to: (i) acquire useful skills to create and/or consolidate their activities/start-ups in the agri-food and green economy value chains; (ii) focus on digital solutions supporting activities related to agri-food and the green economy (recycling). The digital solution identified through this mapping should accelerate results around the identified value chain.

Outcome 2: SMEs and Startups led by young people and women have increased access to the AfCFTA through innovative solutions, including digital ones. The project will facilitate access to the necessary skills to prepare young people and women for the African market, a common concern in most African countries. Digital hubs will play a key role in developing the digital ecosystem to facilitate access for young people and women to the AfCFTA.

Support for selected projects will be provided through four (4) modalities: i) mobilization of technical assistance for capacity building; ii) direct financial contribution to investment for production, acquisition of light equipment; iii) digital solution for the digitalization of transactions (e-recording).

Who can respond to this call for proposals?

This call for proposals is intended for MSMEs, startups, and formal businesses (legally constituted) led by a woman (18–65 years old) in the sectors of agro-industry, the green economy, and digital innovation related to agro-industry and the green economy, with high potential for job creation and located in Cameroonian territory.

The ideal businesses could be in the following segments of the value chain:

  • Companies in production
  • Companies in transformation
  • Companies in packaging
  • Companies in marketing

Eligibility criteria:

The eligibility of the company and the promoter will include:

  1. Be an SME or startup led by a legally constituted woman based in Cameroon (attach a copy of the promoter’s identity card);
  2. Operate in the fields of agro-industry, green economy, and digital innovation value chains (present supporting documentation);
  3. Have needs related to accelerating or growing its activity (present a compliant business model);
  4. Have job creation potential favoring the integration of women or employing at least 50% women (justify);
  5. Do not currently be engaged in a support process by another technical and financial partner (ongoing support or within the last 6 months).
  6. Be willing to sign a commitment of non-defamation or non-claim.

Project evaluation

Criteria Criteria Maximum Points
Project criteria
The relevance and coherence of the business project with the objectives of the YWEP 10
The viability of the project (even without the grant): Turnover, investment plan, existing production assets, etc. 15
The project’s capacity to create employment 10
The innovative character of the project (use of innovative technologies) 20
Justification of market existence through contracts or a client list 10
Adoption of a sustainable development approach (compliance with environmental standards – clean energy, waste recycling, etc.) 5
Project criteria
Motivation for request (needs expressed in connection with the development of the presented project) 10
Justification of market existence through contracts or a client list 5
General total 100

Particular attention will be paid to projects related to the use of innovative technologies and to companies employing a large female workforce.

Note: After evaluating all applications, only companies that have obtained an average of 70/100 will be considered for the final selection. A merit-based ranking will be established to select the top 20.

Pre-selection procedures


Submissions can be made at the headquarters of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) or online at the following address:

Files submitted to UNDP will be assigned a deposit number. Those submitted online will be acknowledged with a receipt e-mail. They will then be reviewed by a Selection Committee composed of UNDP and project partners by verifying compliance with the selection criteria listed above.

Project promoters may be requested to provide additional clarifications during the desk review phase. In the case of requests for further information or modifications to be made to the project, the promoter has a maximum of two (2) days to provide the additional request or the improved version of the file. Further documentary evidence for certain criteria (age, residence, etc.) will be required before finalizing the selection process. Additionally, the Committee may decide, before the final selection decision, to conduct a site visit of the projects.

The final acceptance of a project by the Selection Committee will be subject to a written notification to the promoter by UNDP. Only selected promoters will be contacted.

Composition of the Application File

The application file must include the following documents:

  1. A cover letter addressed to the Resident Representative of UNDP;
  2. A completed standard project proposal form (attached);
  3. Copies of the deeds of creation of the structure (for formal enterprises);
  4. Financial statements for 2022 and 2023 (if available);
  5. The business model and business plan of the enterprise (if available);
  6. Signed contracts or a list of major clients with their contact details.
  7. CVs of the promoter and two (02) key employees (if applicable);
  8. Any other relevant documents (invoices or purchase orders, production assets, etc.)

Submission of Online Applications

  • Submission address:
  • Format: PDF files
  • File names must not exceed 60 characters and must not contain any letters or special characters other than those of the Latin alphabet/keyboard. The file name must start with “YWEEP Women.”
  • All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
  • File size per transmission: [5 MB]
  • Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted.

 Deadline for submission of applications: July 19, 2024, at 4:30 PM (Cameroon time). Any application submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Annex: Standard Support Request Form for Businesses

SECTION I. Presentation of the Promoter and the Structure (1 page max)
  1. Promoter’s name, gender, age, address, contact (phone, email, location)


  1. Company: Company name, trade name, company type, date of creation (for formal companies)


  1. Value chain of interest, umbrella organizations of membership, number of years of activities
SECTION II. Activities of the Structure


2.1. Description of Activities and Product Offer


2.2. Production Assets (land, buildings, equipment, etc.)

To be justified by purchase invoices or other documents proving the existence of production materials


2.3. Markets Served

To be justified by invoices, purchase orders, or contracts


SECTION III. Strengths & Weaknesses of the Structure (1/2 page max)
3.1. List the main strengths of your structure (maximum 3 strengths)


3.2. List the main weaknesses (or areas for improvement or challenges) of your structure (maximum 3 weaknesses)


SECTION IV. Operational Data

2013, 2024,2025

Sales volume per product:


Fill in the following table:

YEAR 2013 2024 2025
Average revenue in FCFA


Total number of permanent employees


Number of permanent female employees      
Number of temporary female employees      
Number of permanent young employees (under 35 years old)      
Number of temporary employees      
SECTION V. List of Key Partners (1/2 page max)
Provide a list of your various past and current partners and the support received (amount, date)
SECTION VI. Investment Project (5 pages max)
7.1. Project Description


7.2. What Makes the Project Innovative?


7.3. Motivation for Support Request and Links to Project Objectives


7.4. Investment Plan for 12 Months (including personal contribution in kind or in cash)


7.5. Target Objectives


YEAR 2023 2024 2025
Average revenue in FCFA:


Total annual turnover (FCFA)      
Number of permanent jobs created (new)      
Number of temporary jobs created (new)      


7.6. Main Project Risks (maximum 3 risks) and Measures Taken to Mitigate Them


7.7. Environmental Preservation

Ongoing or planned environmental preservation actions (e.g., waste management, use of clean energy sources like solar)


7.8. Are you interested in accessing credit from a microfinance institution? (Yes/No, justify)

See Full Announcement Here