Open National Call to Tender


Director of Health Services Office P.O. BOX 1 Bamenda, Northwest Region Republic of Cameroon

The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Health Services is inviting Suitable Suppliers/Contractors to submit their bids for the following activities within the context of the “Building Resilience of Refugees, IDPs, and Host Communities through Improved Access to Health, Education, and Income-Generating Activities” Project, implemented in partnership with CBM International and with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany.

Lot I: Supply of a Braille Printer Embosser for Inclusive Learning Resource Center

Lot 2: Remodelling and Adaptation of six (6) Vocational Training Centers in Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga and Logone et Cheri Divisions to Improve Accessibility

Lot 3: Supply “Livelihood Materials” to provide Livelihood Support to Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees

Lot 4: Supply of Farming Tools, Seedlings and Cargo Bikes for Inclusive Farming Groups

For more information on this activity, you can access the specific Terms of Reference on the website www.cbchealthservices.orq or in hard copy from the Secretariats of either the Program Director or the BMZ Project Office in Meskine Baptist Hospital Maroua.

Contractors and suppliers based in the Far North Region are highly encouraged to tender. All interested Suppliers or Contractors should submit their bids by email to or no later than April 30, 2024.

Hard copies of files can be submitted to the BMZ Project Office at Meskine Baptist Hospital.

For more information contact Telt 699 111 994.

Prof. Tih Pius Muffin, M Program Director