Since 2014, ARMP has been engaged in a major digital transformation project through the analysis, design, development and deployment of the Pridesoft© platform, the integrated open and multi-platform management system for public procurement in Cameroon ( https://pridesoft.cm ).
The progress made in recent years has significantly contributed to improving the quality of public service while strengthening transparency and healthy competition in the field of public procurement through the promotion of open data, publishing, analysis of information as well as the production of relevant statistics relating to public spending in Cameroon.
Continuing in this dynamic of dematerialization, and under its institutional mandate of monitoring, animation, and feeding of the public procurement information system, the ARMP aims to reach a new milestone in the modernization of processes. The objective is to optimize its contribution to the effective and efficient implementation of public policies carried by the SND30 thanks to the production of relevant data for the assessment of socio-economic indicators allowing informed decision-making.
The Strategic Performance Plan (PSP) 2025-2030 adopted on December 30, 2024, at the end of the 14th extraordinary session of the ARMP Board of Directors defined a pillar dedicated to the ” modernization of the public procurement information system “, which will require the design and a specific deployment focused on results for the next six (06) years.
Thus, to meet these new challenges in this context of Artificial Intelligence, the ARMP plans to recruit five (05) developers and one (01) statistical engineer to continue the development of the public procurement information system in a sustained manner.
II.1- Developers
Developers must hold at least a Bac+3 degree in computer science, software engineering or equivalent, with at least 2 years of experience in the development of web and mobile applications, and have the following skills:
Front-End Development:
– good command of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages;
– proven experience with modern front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js;
– good knowledge of responsive design principles.
Back-End Development:
– proven experience in PHP and associated Frameworks (such as Laravel or Symfony);
– good command of REST and/or GraphQL APIs;
– experience with relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB);
– understanding of authentication and authorization concepts (OAuth, JWT).
Mobile Development:
– good knowledge of hybrid or cross-platform frameworks such as Flutter, React Native, or Ionic;
– good command of native mobile development principles (Android with Java/Kotlin, iOS with Swift).
Computer Security:
– good knowledge of standards and best practices in information systems security;
– good command of data encryption techniques and API security mechanisms.
Analysis and Design Skills:
– good understanding of information systems and software architectures;
– skills in data modeling (UML, ERD) and design of scalable architectures;
– experience in integrating third-party solutions (such as payment or notification platforms);
– mastery of workflow management concepts and interoperability (standards such as SOAP, JSON).
Soft Skills and Personal Qualities:
– ability to work in a team;
– organizational skills, rigor, and attention to detail;
– good written and oral communication to document work and interact with stakeholders;
In addition to the requirements mentioned above, the following skills will be assets:
be bilingual (English and French);
familiarity with the ScriptCase development platform;
DevOps skills: deployment on Linux servers, use of containers (Docker), continuous integration (CI/CD);
knowledge of public procurement.
II.2- Statistical Engineer
A statistical engineer specializing in data science with at least 5 years of experience in the statistics profession, and with the following technical skills:
knowledge of statistical software such as R, SAS, SPSS or Stata;
ability to use Excel for advanced data analysis;
skills in database management, cleaning and preparation;
knowledge of descriptive, inferential, multivariate analysis techniques and statistical modeling;
understanding of methodologies for defining relevant indicators (quantitative and qualitative indicators);
design and implementation of surveys (questionnaires, sampling, data collection);
ability to interpret analysis results and draw relevant conclusions;
ability to work with complex or massive databases (Big Data);
ability to write reports;
In addition to the technical requirements mentioned above, the following skills will be assets:
be bilingual (English and French);
knowledge of PostgreSQL databases and SQL language;
knowledge field of public procurement.
Any person interested in this call for applications is invited to provide, no later than March 31, 2025, in a sealed envelope with the words ” RECRUITMENT OF FIVE DEVELOPERS AND A STATISTICIAN AT THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATION AGENCY ” a file including:
1. a stamped cover letter addressed to the Director General of ARMP;
2. a certificate of availability, the model of which can be downloaded from the ARMP website, www.armp.cm, or collected from the secretariat of the Information Systems Department, 1st floor of the ARMP building in Mballa II – Yaoundé or from the Regional Public Procurement Regulation Centers;
3. A curriculum vitae dated and signed by the candidate, indicating his/her academic and professional qualifications and highlighting his/her technical abilities for the tasks envisaged, accompanied by all supporting documents for the requested experience;
4. copies of the diploma, certificates, or attestations, certified by an administrative authority (Sub-Prefect, Prefect, or Governor);
The Public Procurement Regulatory Agency reserves the right to verify the conformity of the information given and the authenticity of the documents provided. Any false declaration will result in the elimination of the candidate.
Interested candidates may obtain additional information from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the following address: pridesoft@armp.cm or at the secretariat of the Information Systems Directorate (DSI), 1st floor of the ARMP building in Mballa II – Yaoundé or the Regional Public Procurement Regulation Centers.
To apply for this job please visit www.armp.cm.