A Curriculum vitae, also known as Resumé, is your personal marketing document intended to showcase your competence to the greatest advantage. It is a written overview of your skills, education, and work experience, used for a variety of reasons but the most common of these is to send to prospective employers when looking for a job, basically, a CV is the first chance we have to make a good impression on a recruiter. The primary difference between a resumé and a CV lies in the length, while a resumé presents a concise picture of your skills and qualifications, a CV presents a full history of your credentials. Both CVs and Resumés are;


CVs in countries like the US for instance are used in applying for academic opportunities like scholarships, research positions, fellowships, and grants, just to name a few meanwhile Resumés are used to apply for a position in industry, non-profit, and public sector. In most parts of Europe, Asia, and Cameroon in particular, a CV is used in describing all job application documents. In this presentation, we will look at a curriculum vitae ‘’a la Camerounaise’’.


Why do we need a CV?


How to structure and format your CV

Before writing a CV, it is advisable to research your target roles, we will have difficulties writing a CV if we don’t know what recruiters want. Every job announcement has its core requirements (skills, experience & academic credentials). For example, we cannot use a sales-inclined CV to apply for a position in teaching, your chances of being recruited are very slim. Before writing a CV, browse through the job market for relevant openings in your industry, check and take note of recurring requirements. Recruiters in Cameroon are going digital, posting job ads on these websites; (national employment fund),8_IN52.htm;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj99dnKrNDvAhVHUxoKHUpJCFMQudcGKAJ6BAgIECg#htivrt=jobs&htidocid=trElVPhCKswGjY_ZAAAAAA%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail

Just to name a few. Once you have a list of the most in-demand skills and knowledge for your target roles, it gives a clear picture of how to focus your CV.

The structure and format of your CV will determine its readability, your CV should be flawlessly professional and easy for busy recruiters to find the information they need. Although there’s no official CV structure, certain key information should always be included. Here are a few essential things you should aim to cover in your CV:





-The name of your school

-Location of your school

-The certificate you obtained (if applicable)

-Your field of study

-Graduation year (if applicable)

-Any relevant honours or academic recognition, coursework, activities, or other achievements obtained during your education. If you’ve recently graduated, place your education section before or in line with your work experience. Your schooling is likely the most prominent piece of your CV. If you’ve been in the workforce for several years, move your education section below your professional experience. Your interviewers will be more interested in what you’ve achieved in recent years rather than in your academic career.




You can use a word processing program like MS Word or Google Docs to create your CV, it is very easy to use and has a globally recognized format for CVs across all industries,  there are hundreds of ready, fill-in-the-blanks CV templates available online like, and

Here is an overview of how to format your CV;



Remember not to exaggerate your CV. Not only will you demonstrate your dishonesty to a potential employer, but there can be serious consequences too.

If you need guidance in writing a professional CV, you can email us at: or call 676417518 / 658214537